How it works
The Music Train uses one of the regular hourly services on the mid-Cheshire line. It is arranged by the Mid-Cheshire Community Rail Partnership. The band plays on the train from Chester – we take over a carriage. At Plumley everyone alights to visit The Golden Pheasant for drinks and good food – and there is a further session from the band.
Chester Station is accessible. Parking on the station car parks costs £4.50. Parking outside the Queen Hotel and on City Road is free after 18:00. Plumley Station is accessible. The walk to the pub is 150m. The footway alongside the road from the station to the pub is narrow and not continuous, with poor visibility over the railway bridge. The pub is fully accessible.
There is no charge for the event – just the price of your ordinary train ticket. Your ‘admission’ is the train fare. Other than drinks and food, there is nothing else to pay. On the return journey there will be a collection on the train for the musicians.
The Music